We convene and facilitate. Together with our strategic partners and collaborators, we bring people together, hold ethical space, bridge divides, and balance perspectives to build consensus and collaboration among First Nations, civil society, multi-sector stakeholders, and all levels of government. Over the next five years, opportunities will arise to convene and facilitate groups around certain issues and tasks as they arise—this includes various industry groups that contribute to the economic well-being of the Biosphere. The following will be maintained as core to our work.
+ 1.1 AHSBR Roundtable
A sharing and consensus-building space, working to achieve the three priority outcomes for AHSBR. Roundtable membership constitutes a balanced representation of First Nations, all levels of government, multi-sector stakeholders, civil society and HSBRIS board. All members have a seat at the table and benefit from networking, learning, and sharing. On Track
+ 1.2 Howe Sound Community Forums
*A sharing and consensus-building space—a central u-shaped table—specifically for all local governments to come together with the Squamish Nation to discuss the topical issues for the region. Hosted by a different community each time, the forum promotes networking, learning, and sharing of best practices. * On Track
+ 1.3 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Workshops
A networking and learning workshop that brings sectors together to find common ground on the sustainable development goals for the region Under performing
+ 1.4 Howe Sound Conservation Network
Meetings of representatives of over 20 conservation-based organizations working in the region to encourage networking, sharing of information about each other’s projects, leveraging resources, reducing overlap and building capacity to help sustain the organizations. On Track
+ 1.5 Howe Sound Sustainable Economic Forum
An annual networking and learning workshop to discuss and understand the various sectors that contribute to the sustainable economy of the region. Focused sectors such as forest industry, tourism and marine transportation may convene more frequently. Rolled into Roundtable