October 2020 Virtual Forum Review
Sixty elected officials, staff, and observers participated in the two-hour Zoom virtual meeting on October 23rd, 2020. If not for COVID-19, the forum would have been taking place on this day in snowy Whistler hosted by the Resort Municipality of Whistler.
Elected officials from Squamish Nation, West Vancouver, Bowen Island, Lions Bay, Squamish, Whistler, Gambier Island Local Trust Area, and Howe Sound communities within the regional districts of Metro Vancouver, Sunshine Coast, the Squamish Lillooet shared 1-3 words reflecting how they were feeling at this time of continued disruption. While still feeling grateful, they are very busy during the new normal.
How forum members are feeling about the disruption due to COVID-19
The Forum began with a welcome from Squamish Nation member Joyce Williams. Dr. Aroha Miller, Manager of Ocean Watch at Ocean Wise, provided a brief overview of the updates from the Átl’ḵa7tsem/Txwnéwu7ts/Howe Sound Edition 2020. This was followed by a request for the local governments to pass a resolution by their Councils to support continued commitment and participation in the Ocean Watch Action Committee.
Lindsay Klopp, Fisheries Manager with Sustainable Fisheries Management, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, (DFO), provided an update on next steps for the five new glass sponge reefs and sponge gardens in Howe Sound. Stakeholder and First Nations consultations will take place in November in preparation for interim protection measures to take effect next Spring.
We heard updates from communities around the sound about initiatives related to climate change and adaptation, marine environment, health and planning starting with updates from Squamish Nation. It was challenging to keep the list of many activities brief, but MP Weiler and Sea to Sky Forest District planner Frank DeGagne also added updates. MLAs were absent this forum due to the Provincial election taking place the next day.
During the forum, Sebastien Goupil, the Secretary-General of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO Zoomed in from Ottawa to deliver a personal message to the forum members on the significance of the UNESCO Biosphere Region endorsement by CCUNESCO and the next steps.
Twenty years ago the Howe Sound Community Forums first began. A retrospective of the past seven years is shown here, a history of the forums can be found here.
Upcoming events include a workshop on Coastal Ocean and Protection Law in BC - hosted by West Coast Environmental Laws for Howe Sound Community Forum members. Read more here to register.
If all goes well, the next forum will be hosted by the Resort Municipality of Whistler at the Squamish Lil’wat Cultural Centre spring 2021.